How to Delete Your Data

Tips: You can selectively delete the data you created without deleting your account.

Delete the information in your profile

  1. Open the app, tap the last tab (the "user" icon), go to "Me" page.
  2. Tap the top right "Edit Profile" button, go to "Edit Profile" page.
  3. Modify the "Nickname" field if you want to.
  4. Empty the "My Bio" field if you want to.
  5. Tap your avatar to replace it with another image if you want to.

Delete the characters created by you

  1. Open the app, tap the last tab (the "user" icon), go to "Me" page.
  2. In this page, your can browse all the characters you've created.
  3. Long tap one of them, then select "delete" menu to delete it.